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Labyrinth Mod is a sequel to the computer game "Aquaria," developed by Alex Holowka and Derek Yu in 2007.  Aquaria won the Seumas McNally Grand Prize from the Independent Games Festival in March 2007.  The game included an editor so that fans could make their own adventures. 


I discovered Aquaria in January of 2010, and became fascinated with the beauty of its underwater world and the character and explorations of the central character, Naija. For the next year I developed Labyrinth Mod, consisting of six new "worlds" to experience, many mazes to explore, creatures to defeat (including two bosses) and various puzzles to solve. I had the excellent help of another fan, "False Genesis," a German university student in bioinformatics and computer science, who wrote the scripts for the new puzzles and entities we created. Many a fun evening was spent Skyping!

Click for a gallery of screenshots from Labyrinth Mod.


Click here to access the game Aquaria on Steam:


If you should wish to play Labyrinth Mod, I strongly suggest you play Aquaria first.  Labyrinth Mod can be downloaded from the Modding section of Bit Blot Forum, the fan site for Aquaria.  Click here to download Labyrinth Mod.


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